And… A Bobcat in the BBQ…

Popped out to Anthem to grab some much needed cat food and toilet paper this afternoon – note to those shopping at Walmart Anthem – yes, I am a Muslim woman… Yes, that is a headscarf (commonly known as a “hijab”) on my head… NO! I am not a terrorist, so when I smile at you and say “hello”, I mean just that, a friendly “hello”. I’m there to grab these essentials just as you are grabbing essentials, and I do not have a bomb strapped to my chest… that’s all boobies…

I honestly do not think that people in Anthem have ever seen a Muslim woman wearing hijab… and seriously, I looked uber cute today too… *sigh*

On the way back, we pull into the campgrounds and the strong and pungent scent of cat pee flooded our olfactory senses. I cleaned out the litter this morning, but pretty sure we chucked that garbage bag, and why were we smelling it so strongly just then…?

Hmmmm… an investigation needed to be ensued…

Had Ben drop me off at the main building and office so I could check the mail box, and had a little talk with the owner of the KOA, Jack. Asked him why it smelled so strongly of cat pee, specifically in that one area. That’s when he told me that we do have feral cats here, but more so, bobcats.

He then informed me that one of the campers found a bobcat in his BBQ the other night. He’d just finished cooking and gone inside to eat, when he heard noises coming from his site outside. He popped his head out to investigate and found a bobcat right in his BBQ! That must have been one hungry bobcat.

I asked him where this was located in the camp – prepared to make mental note to avoid that area (I was mauled by one of our cats several years ago which put me into the hospital undergoing 2 emergency surgeries); when Jack informed me that “Ron” was our immediate neighbour… Yes, pretty evident Ben and I keep pretty much to ourselves as we’ve not met our neighbours yet. So yeah, we’ve bobcats in the very immediate area… this now makes my late-night walks out with Winston just that much more nerve-wracking…

Talking about cats, our baby Ezmi turned 1 year old today. How fast time has passed and yet, seems like she’s been with us forever.



Arranged our steamer trunks today – well, our TV sits on one and so we were thinking of putting the other one in the storage bin underneath the RV, but it actually fits in perfectly in front of the TV and can be used as a puffey for our feet. Although I’d eventually like to get some (East) Indian-inspired pillows for it – if you have any you want to part with… 😉


Winston flashing a huge grin… photo-bomb!

Came home from talking with Jack and Jim in the office, and was going to put groceries away, and what do I stumble in on? Afternoon siesta time in the vardo. Winston, Ainey and Nari all lined up in a row sleeping! I’ve got to nab my camera next time I spy all of them doing it, because some days walking to the bathroom is an obstacle course in dog and cats when all four are lined up in a row like that…

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For dinner tonight, I made a kind of buffet dinner for us. I sliced up the left over seitan from the pot roasts I’d made, made a green salad, steamed rice with vermicelli noodles, homemade hummus, together with tortillas (they didn’t have any pita bread over at the shop), and pickles. It was so good. I’d say it was a “light” dinner, but I’d be lying because Ben and I are both stuffed, stuffed, stuffed… did I mention we were stuffed? But it most definitely was a healthy dinner.


Dessert was going to be homemade coconut vanilla ice-cream – but I didn’t pick up any ice, so I didn’t make it. Instead, we’re going to have mango cherry ice popsicles.

This week my burkini (Muslim ladies swimming costume) should arrive, and I can’t wait for that to get here, a birthday gift from a dear friend of mine, and then start swimming… happy-dance for then…

S0me more pics of the kids…


Beautiful Ainey

947043_10201321414626706_100689784_nOh and update to the whole “skunk” debacle I was talking about yesterday… Ben’s initial evaluation was correct. This was learned after a bit of yellow mellowing, I decided to flush it down. Literally a minute or two later, the entire bathroom began to stink like skunk. That experience followed by my mad-dash out of the bathroom in frantic search for the Glade automatic air-freshener spray and pump, then fumigating the bathroom with Cashmire Woods… which kinda gave an accoutrement to the skunk smell and then just smelled like we were living in the deep woods that smelled actually kinda nice… Yeah I’m certifiable…