With Sunburned Feet…

I woke up this morning with an overwhelming desire to go swimming. I’ve936409_10201469834937121_1716001975_n only been swimming once, with Ben almost 2 weeks ago. So this morning I thought I’d go off by myself and as I approached the pool the sounds of screams echoed off the pool walls and I near turned around and high-tailed it back to the RV. “Kids”! Now don’t get me wrong, I am not opposed to children, I would rather just have a nice quiet lay by the pool and a relaxing swim in a pool all to myself – call me “selfish”, but if the shoe fits… 😉

But the call of the cool waters and the book I’d been sent for my birthday and not had a chance to start reading yet weighing heavily in my bag, had 944273_10201469841297280_193456169_nme forging forward and into the pool area.

OK… let me start by explaining, I am a “hijabi” which means that I cover from head to foot and down to my wrists (face showing), so my swimsuit is a birkini (thanks to another dear friend who purchased one for me for my birthday). A birkini comprises of a top that comes down below the bum with an attached hijab (head piece) and then a pair of pants. Now… the first time I wore it and went swimming with Ben, I found that I had an issue with it, er… floating up… exposing my back, totally defeating the entire objective of modesty. I wondered what these two pieces of string was on both sides of the inside of the top, then clued in when I discovered two loops on the pants. Ahhhhh tie the top to the bottom… duh!

So as I walk towards the pool, the three children (two teenage sisters and a younger brother) stop mid-play and all turn with avid curiosity at this woman dressed from head-to-foot in a beautiful navy blue and hot pink suit. The silence that was now prevalent from these children who were, just a few minutes before, quite loud was honestly quite funny. But I found my chair right by the hot tub and a deck chair right there too, and made myself quite comfy and got lost in the book.

And then… the splashing began. These children had obviously gotten over their curious shock and were back at play – with one eye constantly in my direction. I think they may have found it a wee bit “strange” when I turned my deck chair around… in the direction of the sun. Well heck, I wasn’t going to just burn my feet when I’ve a perfectly good face and hands/forearms to burn too. Ahhh time for a wee bit of meditation. The breeze was up and with the pool behind me and hot tub in front of me, I was lost in my mindless meditation and falling deeper and deeper into the space of Zen peace and then… the German’s arrived. Lovely couple from Berlin who I’ve been saying “Hello” to for the past couple of afternoons as we’re taking Winston for his evening walk. I guess that broke the ice with the children and their father – this strange woman all covered up actually speaks… and speaks English too!

I turn my deck chair around and try to get back into my book when the father asks me where I am from. “Hong Kong” I reply and that same look of shock and confusion that I always get when I tell people I am from Hong Kong flashes across his face. “But… you speak English!” Errr yes… So I go into my routine of how Hong Kong was a British Colony until 1997 to which he says “Yes, I know that… But… You speak English” Aie yah… This one is a bright spark. Then I explain that I’ve also lived in Australia and Canada to which he first says “Oh well that explains you speaking English… Boy, you sure are a traveller…” I’m so taken aback by his reasoning that I speak English from having lived in Australia and Canada that I near overlook his second statement.

I think that people in a fair few parts of the world honestly believe that Hong Kong is such a completely foreign land that no one speaks English and that it’s a third-world country (yep, had that one before). The fact that you explain that Hong Kong was a British Colony has them envisioning slaves to British rule and “yessir, no-sir, three bags full sir…” After a long while, it does get a wee bit tedious.

But they left just after 1 PM and I finally had my chance to get into the 7246_10201469832937071_1886065063_npool and have a lovely swim all by myself. The water was so gorgeous, just a little under bath water warm and I really enjoyed myself. Sat back on my deckchair and let the heat and lack of humidity dry me off before I hit the showers.



As I peeled my birkini off in the shower, I noticed the distinct difference in skin colour of my feet and ankles to the rest of my legs. It looked like I had a pair of pinkish brown socks on! Come home and hydrate and about an hour later go to the bathroom… Catch site of myself in the mirror and the shock runs through me… I am rather burned… My poor feet are toasted red. Just about to break out the apple cider vinegar to soothe the burn and now itch. I might just give tomorrow a wee bit of a break from the pool and let this burn soothe and be a nice undercoat for the next trip down to the pool.

It was a really gorgeous day and I had such a lovely time. This escapee living has something to it, feeling like you’re living on holiday every single day, it’s just wonderful… Except the sunburn…

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A Day with Family

Had a lovely day today when my brother-in-law and his wife and kids came up to the site to visit us. We met nieces and our nephew for the first time today, and visited with my sister-in-law for the first time in 6 years.

Jocelyn, the kids and I spent the afternoon by the pool talking and catching up while the kids were fish in the pool. Logan, our nephew, made friends with two couples visiting from The Netherlands.


Logan getting into the pool


Logan and Cadence

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Ben and his brother, Luke worked on the RV. They put the new vent covers on – we finally have a vent cover over the bathroom fan and vent, so the garbage bag that was working as a proxy cover is now gone. Ben discovered that the fan motor works, we just need to get a new fan blade – which had disintegrated along with the vent cover… all over the 101 freeway no doubt.


Pee-pee hands… ewwwww


Putting on the new vent cover


Checking the size of the fridge vent to attach the new vent cover


Washing the black and grey tank doo-hickey

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However, in effort to unplug the toilet and flush the black tank, discovered that the hose we have for draining the black and grey tanks, leaks – so no doubt we’re leaving a bit of DNA on the ground here, 😉 and the toilet is leaking. URGH! Seems like we’re going to need to get a new toilet – but I’ve my eye on one that looks more like a regular house loo than the ridiculous box thingie that came standard with the RV.

Luke looked under the rig, and it is true… the “standard” stabilizers that are supposed to come with the RV, are nonexistent on ours. The weather is scheduling rain and winds over the next couple of days… So rock on we shall…

After the kids finished playing in the pool, I took Logan and Cadence over to visit with Patch, Charlie, and Billy the resident goats here, then visited with the chooks, and finally introduced them to Oreo the king snake and the tarantula – who Jack, the owner here, has decided to name “Welfare” after he tried to set it loose a couple of times, and he returned back!


Cadence and Logan petting Patch and Billy


Logan petting Charlie with Billy (the Nigerian pygmy goat) and Patch in the background

Jack found Welfare when they were out digging sewer lines and he disturbed his nest. As it was hibernation time, he knew that Welfare wouldn’t go back into hibernation and brought him in. Welfare is pretty happy here, obviously. 🙂

SO much gratitude to my brother-in-law, Luke for coming out after working a 100 hours this week with only 2 hours of sleep and working in the hot Arizona desert heat to make the immediate repairs and fix-ups to the big rig. We still have a fair bit to do, and from today’s discoveries, we’ve new things to add to the list. We’ll get to worrying about that lot tomorrow.

After a fine dinner of green lentil chili, a day outside in the fresh air and desert dry heat, I’m completely knackered and ready for bed. Now, if only TNT would stop showing the picture as double, I might be able to enjoy Ocean’s Eleven for the upteenth time… Instead, I may just go to bed and see what new adventures and discoveries tomorrow will bring.

Here are some photos from today…


Luke, Ben and I


Jocelyn, Luke, Ben, Logan, Cadence, and Vanessa


Luke, Ben, me, Logan, Cadence, and Vanessa


Logan giving big hugs to Uncle Ben