Settling In…

Today I finally got around to unpacking and finding a home for the things that were on and around the dining room table. Boy it was hard and tedious work and I’m SO ready for bed… Maybe I’ll swap beds with Ben tonight and opt for his comfy bed up in back and he can sleep on the painfully uncomfortable sofa/futon bed that is my bed…

There are only three things left to be sorted through, unpacked, and homes found for them; and the belong to Ben, so he’s got a job ahead of him this weekend.

Soon, I’ll be able to start looking at decorating. I need to get giving some readings for that to take place… And the toilet fixed… and the kitchen sink… and… and… and…

This morning,  I went into the bathroom and it stank like a skunk had crawled up and in and sprayed in there. Ben was convinced it was the sewer since we can’t flush right now, I was convinced it was him (HA)… in actual fact, I think that there was a skunk in the area and the smell wafted in and stuck… It was gone an hour later. The joys of living in the semi-wilds.

I didn’t get a chance to go out once today. I volunteered Ben to take Winston out as I really wanted to get this area sorted and tidied up, but I’ll take him out for his last walk.

Oh… we had a rain drop fall this evening. The weather said there might be chance of a storm… we’ve been told that here in the desert, we get about 2-3% humidity and that the rains dry up before they reach anything. We had a big gust of wind which swayed the whole vardo, and then a sound that sounded like a few rain drops… I looked out the window, and there was literally one splat of water rolling down the window… and then… it dried up. Out here, I can wet a dish rag, do some cleaning and then hang it to dry, and it’s dry in 15-20 minutes! It’s almost freaky.

Dinner tonight… I made a pot roast again. Enough for leftovers tomorrow and on Sunday, I think I’m going to make (Romani) sodmay *cabbage rolls*

About sums up the entire day… I’m seriously exhausted and think maybe I should have laid down for siesta when the rest of the household did this afternoon… now everyone is up and wide awake and I’m about ready to crash…


Afternoon siesta… Ainey and Ezmi finding unpacking and sorting terribly exhausting and time to set the tone for the rest of the family to have afternoon siesta…


Winston joins the family in afternoon siesta time.


Ezmi is woken up by the arrival of a new RV to the park – could be here a few days, or just overnight…


There! The corner with the dining table is all cleared up and looking very nice. Ezmi thinks this was done for her and her alone so that she has a new place to sleep.


Thank you Mummy for making a place for me to sleep on


Ezmi chillin


Baby girl Ezmi’s 1st birthday tomorrow – Saturday May 11th 2013